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"War Pigs," "Iron Man," "Fairies Wear Boots" and a hit title track written in "about two hours." To say Black Sabbath was on its game with Paranoid might be a bit of an understatement.
Black Sabbath started work on its second album, Paranoid, just four months after its eponymous debut was released in February of 1970 and ... well ... you wanna talk "momentum"?
Paranoid, which came out the following September, might have actually managed to one-up the band's own classic debut, instantly contributing as it did a host of permanent entries to the metal canon: "War Pigs," "Iron Man," "Fairies Wear Boots" and, of course, "Paranoid" itself. Which, according to bassist Geezer Butler, was written at the 11th hour to pad out the track listing "in five minutes, then I sat down and wrote the lyrics as quickly as I could. It was all done in about two hours." That's catching lightning in a bottle, right there.
1. War Pigs
2. Paranoid
3. Planet Caravan
4. Iron Man
5. Electrical Funeral
6. Hand Of Doom
7. Rat Salad
8. Fairies Wear Boots